

FAQ Page

What is it?

Text Anywhere is a satellite texting device that you can use with your compatible Wi-Fi enabled smart phone, tablet or PC to send messages from almost anywhere on the earth...

How does it work?

We use the Iridium© Satellite Network to carry your messages back to a ground station, transfer them to ROM's Operations Centre (ROC) and forward them to the addressed recipient or to the cellular network.

What types of messages can the Text Anywhere send and receive?

The Text Anywhere can send / receive both Email and Short Message Service (SMS) cellular text messages.

Can friends send Text Messages and Emails to my Text Anywhere without going to a website?

Yes, each Text Anywhere has its own email address to send to, and text messaging phone numbers to send you text messages also.

What conditions are required to send and receive messages with the TextAnywhere device?

In order send and receive messages, the TextAnywhere requires a good power supply and a clear view of the sky, much like a handheld GPS would require. Dense overhead foliage, concrete and metal structures, and other sources of interference will impact the performance. However, unlike Satellite phones, the TextAnywhere only requires a Satellite to connection for a matter seconds to send and receive messages.

I am a social media user, can I use the Text Anywhere to post and tweet?

Absolutely! You can post to your wall and send tweets. You will need to set up your account(s) using the Text Anywhere website account.

Does the Text Anywhere use or have a GPS (Global Positioning System) onboard?

No it doesn’t! To provide your approximate location, the satellite that communicates with your Text Anywhere then approximates your location. Positioning information can be accurate to about 1 mile at best and 100+ miles at worst. DO NOT USE THE TEXT ANYWHERE FOR ACCURATE LOCATION SERVICES!

How can I send my friends a map link of my location?

Using your Text Anywhere website account, enable the ‘Provide Location’ feature and any email you send (only emails) will have a link attached to your message. Clicking on this link will open a map with your approximate location and a circle showing the accuracy.

Can I make phone calls (voice) with the Text Anywhere?

No, the Text Anywhere is designed for text messages and emails only.

Can I use Text Anywhere in a foreign country?

Most! Some countries have been excluded from the use of Iridium© Satellite service (which the Text Anywhere uses). Please contact us for a list of excluded countries.

Can I use Text Anywhere in a building?

Sometimes! If the structure your Text Anywhere device is located in has a non-metallic roof, it should work fine. If not, place the device in a window sill or outside.

What are the power requirements of the Text Anywhere Device?

The Text Anywhere operates on either four batteries (1.5V Alkaline 'AA' non rechargeable or 1.5V NiMH rechargeable 'AA') or an external 5 Volt DC source capable of 2 Amps.  An adapter cable with a USB end or an AC wall adapter is available.

How many messages can I send on a single charge of the rechargeable batteries?

Our real world tests indicated that you can send 350 + messages with one charge! Factors such as battery age and poor sky sight can reduce the message count.

What does the blinking red light mean?

A blinking red light on the top of your Text Anywhere indicates that an inbound message is waiting for you. Connect your wireless device to retrieve the message.

Is Text Anywhere waterproof?


What is the maximum distance my device can be from the Text Anywhere?

Your wireless device can be up to 10 meters (30 feet) away.

Can I update my Text Anywhere to take advantage of new features, improvements, etc?

Yes you can, and it’s easy. Download the new firmware from your Text Anywhere account, run the firmware installer and it will install the new firmware for you and reboot your device. More detailed instructions are available on the Text Anywhere website.

Can I use Text Anywhere on an airliner?

No! Wireless devices can interfere with aircraft systems.